A new era begins in Cava Guilera!

In May 2020 we reactivated the Cava Guilera blog. It had been stopped for a few months but the exceptionality of the moment made us see that it was essential to get back on track. During these months we have talked about the vineyard, about new cavas that we have not yet been able to present, about awards that have moved us once again [[[ and also ]]] we have flown smoothly. Below you can read a compilation of the four installments of the flying poetics with Marta Guilera and the final outcome. Thank you very much, all the Cava Guilera team.


[[[ May 2020 flowering ]]]

One day my father explained to me that the flower on the vine is not very spectacular. It doesn't have to be, he told me! Because the vineyard is self-pollinating and does not need to attract insects by showing its most beautiful side. The story captivated me at the moment and it seemed like the most intelligent behavior to me. It made me think of one of my threesomes and quartets of girls [[[ when cooler than anyone ]]] we congratulate ourselves.

And it is that everything you give yourself will not have to give you the rest of the people. And that's very good. Because as a species we are social to the core, but I think we should also strive to be more self-sufficient. Taking care of yourself is a responsibility and connecting with yourself is one of the most beautiful pleasures. Like most worthwhile things, it requires patience. And behold the value of time.

The flower of the strain is very discreet, yes. But today I enjoyed a delicious moment, courtesy of the discreet and Wind. A drizzle of green flowers… tiny and cute, like a pinypon from my time! But we are no longer in the eighties; we are in 2020. I think it is time to rethink the look and see beyond. Remember that we all come with a standard brain, that thinking is free and that imagination is not in vain.




[[[ june 2020 the solstice ]]]

At home we are more of Sant Pere. Because my father's name is Pere and my grandfather's is too, because the whole family gathers around a big table and because it's the Lavern Festival!!! The town that welcomed us, in 1930, thanks to the big bang moment of my great-great-grandmother. I think she was a visionary, as they say that she proposed to buy the farmhouse where we are now. We were sharecroppers… until we became landlords.

All this happened 90 years ago. And 440 years before [[[ in 1490 ]]] our Tirant lo Blanc. Tirant lo Blanc is an atypical chivalric novel, written by Joanot Martorell, also a Valencian knight and writer. It has transcended as one of the great European novels of all time and provides a different vision of the gentleman: bombastic and vulnerable, a respectful and ardent lover... a human gentleman, simply.

We are all fragile and beautiful. And I think that perhaps it is that same fragility that we try to hide and avoid, which makes us so, so beautiful. Lately I feel like I feel more deeply. Maybe because I just turned forty, and also, because of the time of confinement. The thing is that I feel sheltered by the beginning of time: that which is intangible does not die. Culture endures and takes care of us. Uncertainty is a blank sheet.




[[[ July 2020 maturation ]]]

He has a train full of ideas up to his ears.
It has a base camp built stone by stone.
You have a cart full of slides and peace of mind from the job done.
He has the remora of fatigue and a looooong desire for photosynthesis. 

Life is a kaleidoscope of subtle mirrors and polychrome perspectives...
If you feel that it is getting dark / do not look at the headlights of the other / follow your white line.
If you feel the force of the moment ··· build the tracks so that the train circulates like the wind.
When expectations implode, new combinations emerge. Detach to see.




[[[ August 2020 the harvest ]]]

Pere Guilera is the strain man and musivari harmony. And the cavero trio that accompanies him? If we were a cava, Jordi would be the xarel lo, Miguel the yeasts and I would be the sugar. Xarel·lo is resistant, acid and sublime. When everything goes wrong in the vineyard, survive. In the cellar it is like a long-distance runner. And when the catharsis finally arrives, you certainly appreciate the luck you have... because they are the best; my brother Jordi and the xarel·lo grape are the best. They can lead a traditional blend and can also shine on their own: see the Guilera Agosarat and the mellowness of the past days and see also the Guilera Xarel·la, so fabulous and fresh that it doesn't even know its end.

Cava yeasts are unicellular fungi, they come from grapes and they are spectacular. GO GO GO sequence shot: We add sugar and yeasts to the wine, fill the bottles and send them underground, the yeasts eat the sugar and transform it into carbon dioxide and alcohol, the yeasts die and become mothers, the mothers nourish the cava during rearing and then move away. A fascinating journey, right? Without the yeasts, the cava would not be. Without the fortuitousness of life, champagne would not be either. and without him cerdanac might of Miguel, so many things that already are [[[ still ]]] would not exist.

Sugar also has an exciting history; not only because of its transformation but also because of its origin. Until now, the sugar in cava came mainly from sugar cane. But this 2020 a study that was published 30 years ago has been recovered: MCR – rectified concentrated must. The project, which proposes using sugar from the grapes themselves instead of sugar cane, already has the explicit support of the Ministry and the Department of Agriculture. It is very exciting, because the problem of surplus grapes would be alleviated, singularity and local production would be promoted, and the importance of cooperating [[[ once again ]]] would be demonstrated.


The bubble makes the magical imaginary of cava hatch... I think I'm going to dedicate my life to this imaginary! But in my own way, like a libertarian satellite. It might seem like an oxymoron, but no: satellite because I will always be at the service of a higher cause and libertarian because I have chosen this life option. Like an intrepid little bubble that already wants to shoot out. Like a sherry sip of our most daring cava, on a Sunday afternoon. After 12 years working in Cava Guilera [[[ me too ]]] I hatch and transform myself. To be more free, authentic and faithful to my essence. As we say at Cava Guilera: Cava needs time to become a Great Cava. And the people, too. Let's be brave and let ourselves be, the last will be the first.




[[[ November 2020 hibernation ]]]

Peter Guilera
President of Cava Guilera

Jordi Guilera
Director of Cava Guilera
Vineyard, winery and finance manager

Miguel Hileno
Cava Guilera Representative
Head of communication and wine tourism

Marta Guilera
Shopkeeper of Cava Guilera
Reception manager ··· and ··· Blank sheet!



Rimaires is a cultural association resident in Cava Guilera. Thank you all very much for your drive, joy and support: Aïda Rull [co-founder], Dani Márquez, Ruben DubJuggler, Franc Escofet, Front Foraster de Lavern and all the friends of La Gran Familia. As we Rimaires say: We have a clear direction and we know that we have to travel this path and enlarge it, BETWEEN EVERYONE.


Thank you very much for sharing these moments of flying poetics.
From now on ^^I'll just^^ fly from Cava Guilera's warehouse store!
Hello little life. Hello time to pamper the details. Happy day of All Saints.

flying poetics


Cava Guilera

Slow Life Cava

Come back soon!

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Slow Life Cava

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